Welcome to Paleo Gardening’s Resources!
These books and experts have influenced my paleo journey. Without these key resources I wouldn’t have made the transition to a paleo lifestyle. Because of these books and experts I now have the energy and stamina to continue gardening and to teach it to others. I hope these experts, books and I can be a part of your path as well.

The Wahls Protocol
Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa where she teaches internal medicine residents, sees patients in a traumatic brain injury clinic and conducts clinical trials. She is also a patient with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Dr. Wahls restored her health using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain and now pedals her bike to work each day. She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine and the paperback, The Wahls Protocol A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles and teaches the public and medical community about the healing power of intensive nutrition. This incredible paleo expert’s books, articles and online community will guide you on your paleo journey towards the best possible health you can have. Begin learning more about the Wahls Protocol today!

Paleo Leap
Paleo Leap was created by Sébastien Noël, a colorful character on a mission. You can read more about Sébastien’s story here. Everything started in 2010 with Paleo Diet Lifestyle. Paleo Leap was born in early 2014 as the natural evolution of Paleo Diet Lifestyle. Paleo Leap strives to bring you the most accurate information, in a format that’s easiest to comprehend and integrate into your own life. Their informative and simple approach to the Paleo lifestyle makes beginning easy and fun. Discover their recipes, Paleo Restart program and so much more on their website paleoleap.com.

Mark Sisson
Mark Sisson is the author of The Primal Blueprint and creator of Mark’s Daily Apple. Mark began educating people on natural ways of achieving good health in 1988 when he retired from triathlon competitions. In 2006 he began the invaluable Paleo blog Mark’s Daily Apple. He is a leading expert in the Paleo lifestyle. His book The Primal Blueprint is widely acclaimed for it’s lifestyle approach. Discover Paleo like you never have before at Mark’s Daily Apple today!

Dallas & Melissa Hartwig - Whole9 Life
Whole9 is the company that created the original Whole30® program. Whole9 was founded on the sweat, love, and passion of Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, but has since expanded to include several employees. Dallas and Melissa wrote the New York Times bestselling book It Starts With Food… because optimal health and quality of life are based on a foundation of healthy eating — however, the road to optimal health doesn’t end once you change the food you put on your plate. Their Whole9 program is the continuation of not only changing your diet, but your lifestyle as well. Read their blog, learn more about their book and personal consulting on Whole9.com today!

Melissa Joulwan
Melissa Joulwan is the creator of the blog The Clothes Make the Girl and the author of two Well Fed Cookbooks. Melissa is the queen of Paleo recipes and down to earth motivation. Her quirky blogs and journey to health will have you inspired to keep going when your journey to health gets difficult. She began her Paleo journey with the Whole30 program created by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig in 2009. Since then she has made friends with food and her body. Try one of her delicious recipes, read her cookbook or get inspired by her continuing journey to health on her blog today!

Diana Rogers - Sustainable Dish
Diana Rogers is the author of The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook and Paleo Breakfasts and Lunches On the Go. She owns Radiance Nutritional Therapy, is a full time farmer, multimedia producer and blogger on sustainabledish.com. All of her work helps people get on track with diet and lifestyle while promoting the sustainable production methods. All of her books and blogs are beautifully illustrated with incredible pictures. She inspires everyone to get outdoors and produce your own food! Read her beautiful Homegrown Paleo Cookbook, peruse her blog or get in touch with her nutritional therapy programs today on her website!

Dr. Alessandra Wall
Dr. Alessandra Wall is pursuing her dream of life coaching with her practice Life in Focus. She is a powerhouse public speaker that has spoken at Health Unplugged, Paleof(x) and PrimalCon. Her approach is to come alongside her clients and empower them to reach their goals and go above and beyond what they ever thought was possible. She is a psychologist, the executive director of crossfit gym Elysium, co-founder of Empower Charter School and mom to two boys. Begin finding what is right for you by using her free focus map or beginning the Life in Focus life coaching today!

Amy Myers MD
Amy Myers, MD is a renowned leader in Functional Medicine and New York Times Bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution. She received her Doctorate in Medicine from LSU Health Sciences Center and spent 5 years working in emergency medicine before training with the Institute of Functional Medicine. She has helped thousands around the world recover from chronic illness through her dietary-based program, The Myers Way®, and she has created multiple interactive eBooks and eCourses to guide readers through her revolutionary approach to health. Her blog and website serve as a beacon of hope to the many sufferers of chronic disease and autoimmune conditions. Read more about her work by visiting her website today!