Dr. Alessandra Wall is pursuing her dream of life coaching with her practice Life in Focus. She is a powerhouse public speaker that has spoken at Health Unplugged, Paleof(x) and PrimalCon. Her approach is to come alongside her clients and empower them to reach their goals and go above and beyond what they ever thought was possible. In this episode of the Paleo Gardening Interview Series we discuss making time for ourselves and pursuing our passions. This interview couldn’t have come at a better time for me. At this time of my life I’m in need of getting more organized so that I can do what is right for me and let go of what I believed was simply “right”. Find out more about this concept by listening to the interview. Trust me you won’t want to miss out on the tips and techniques that Alessandra shares!

Want to get your life in focus or try out the free Focus Map? Visit Dr. Alessandra Wall at lifeinfocussd.com to begin your journey towards the best possible you.

Until next week, may your garden be easy, fun, productive and always organic,


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