Featured Recipe Oven Baked Paleo Zucchini Fritters

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Featured Recipe Oven Baked Paleo Zucchini Fritters

Can life get any better? Paleo Zucchini Fritters are the answer to your zucchini overload and your desperate search for a bun for your favorite sandwich.

When summer squash season hits at the farm we are up to our eyeballs in zucchinis! The battle to keep up with them was so overwhelming. I’ll be honest and say I that have thought about dumping them in unlocked cars in the grocery store parking lot. With this recipe for Paleo Zucchini Fritters in my arsenal I know I will relish summer squash season. It is one of the perfect vegetables that truly satisfies my families craving for any type of carbs. Paleo Leap always does an excellent job with their recipes, and they take it to a whole new level with these zucchini fritters. You can get the recipe for the most delicious Paleo Zucchini Fritters you have ever tasted at Paleo Leap today.


Posted on

August 7, 2015

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